Creating Change.
Empowering Communities.
Keeping It Real.
For You.

Creating Change.
Empowering Communities.
Keeping It Real.
For You.

Crisis Support

The right response at the right time.

Well Kids

A special initiative for the wee ones.

Solutions & Therapies

Solution focused approach for you.

Let’s challenge the mental health stigma in our community.

Let’s challenge the mental health stigma in our community.

Suicide Prevention

The Well aims to promote, support, and encourage positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in the local community. We believe this support should be available and accessible for everyone in times of crisis. Early intervention is vital. We are ready, willing and able.

Support Us to Support You

Get behind us! Right now we rely purely on donations in order to deliver a brilliant service for you. The right support at the right time is invaluable to enable us to do all we can when you need us most. If you are interested in joining us or would like to fundraise please drop us a line.